| University of Limerick
The University of Limerick is the coordinator of DIBANET, and the research is being led by the Carbolea research group, which focuses on the production of second generation biofuels from renewable feedstocks, such as woods and grasses, or from waste materials. www.carbolea.ul.ie |
| Aston University Aston University's Bioenergy Research Group (BERG) is a strong player in the field of fast pyrolysis. www.aston-berg.co.uk |
| CERTH DIBANET will use the laboratory of Environmental Fuels and Hydrocarbons (LEFH) at the Center for Research and Technology-Hellas (CERTH) in Greece. This laboratory has extensive pyrolysis and catalytic pyrolysis pilot facilities. www.certh.gr |
| FOSS Analytical The company, based in Denmark, is currently the world's leading provider of analytical instruments and has been providing analytical solution to the biofuel industry for decades. It is devoted to further improvements and new developments in this area, both for current biofuel production as well as for future production processes. www.foss.dk |
| Geonardo Geonardo is an energy and environmental technology firm and a technical consulting service specialising in biomass and biofuel resources management. Its core strengths lie in establishing networks between stakeholders (e.g. the "Biofuel Marketplace"). www.geonardo.com |
| CTC CTC is Brazil's leading private research and technology organisation and is involved in all areas of sugarcane production and utilisation. www.ctcanavieira.com.br |
| UFRJ The Nucleus of Catalysis (NUCAT) group of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) is a centre of excellence for the development of basic and applied research in catalysis. www.ufrj.br |
| University of Buenos Aires The Laboratory of Catalytic Process (LPC) at UBA (Argentina) is involved in: kinetics studies; design, modelling and optimization of catalytic reactors; synthesis and catalyst characterization and computational catalysis. www.uba.ar/ingles/index02.php |
| YPF Repsol YPF is an international integrated oil and gas company. The Argentinian branch in involved in DIBANET and will analyse the fuels produced and help to commercialise the outputs of the research. www.ypf.com |
| EMBRAPA Soils Embrapa Soils (EM), located in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, is involved in the analysis of biochars in close collaboration with UL. EM has vast experience in tropical soils, C sequestration and agricultural use of pyrolysis residues studies, of particular importance for assessing the sustainability of biorefinery feedstock supply cycles in tropical conditions, residues destination and improvement of soil fertility and sustainability. www.cnps.embrapa.br |
| Fundacion Chile Fundacion Chile is a non-profit institution focussed on research activities that lead to innovations and the development of knowledge in the Chilean economy's key clusters in alliance with local and global knowledge networks. www.fundacionchile.cl |
| UNICAMP The Theoretical and Applied Chemometrics Laboratory in the University of Campinas (Brazil) is involved in DIBANET in the analysis of Latin American biomass feedstocks. www.unicamp.br/unicamp |
| PETROBRASS PETROBRASS is a leading Brazilian joint stock corporation that is present in several segments of the oil, gas and energy industry in 28 countries. www.petrobras.com.br/en |